Ode to Adulthood

by Arthienyer L. Fraser


Book Details


This poem is about the wondrous time of Night. Especially the magical hours of early morning . . . between 2:00 and 4:00 a.m. Sometimes I awake between 2-4 a.m. and I find that is when I do my best writing. It's like a voice (Mom, Daddy, God, who knows) whispers in my ear . . . get up, get up, GET UP!, and I must rise to write . . . even if only for a stanza or two.


Book Excerpt


The wonderment of it all.

The amazement of it all.

Time to slow down.

Time to heal ... night.

The release of it all.

The happiness of it all.

The sadness of it all.

The longing of it all ... night.

The suppression.

The openness.

The vastness.

The dark and light ... night.

The hours of a quieter world.

The hours of a quieter soul.

The hours of a quieter mind.

The hours of a quieter you ... night.


About the Author

Arthienyer L. Fraser

ALF was born in Washington, D.C. in 1962.

ALF received her B.A. from the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. in 2004.

ALF is working on another book of poetry.

ALF supports The Literacy Council of PG;

Central Union Mission;

WETA; and is a

Children International sponsor to one child living in Barranquilla, Colombia.

ALF resides in Maryland.