NINETEEN a Moment in Time

A Family in Crisis

by Joanne S Calcagno


Book Details

I will survive

How to survive the emotional turbulence of the teenage years without putting your family in crisis

The journey from puberty to adulthood can be a rough one for a teen and for a family.

It starts in puberty when a pre-teen’s body suddenly starts sprouting all sorts of new “features” with odd, socially unacceptable urges never felt before. After that come the parental pressure for grades, the peer pressure for “coolness,” and the media pressure to look this way, act that way and follow in the steps of the culture’s most popular, but questionable role models.

Not to mention the temptations of drugs, alcohol and sex.

These are stressful years. Failing to navigate them successfully can lead to isolation, anxiety and depression.

Author Joanne Calcagno knows. At nineteen she had a nervous breakdown that landed her in a psychiatric hospital.

Now, after a successful public school teaching career that spanned thirty years, Joanne reveals her own hard earned discovery of the one common denominator lacking in the life of every troubled teen.

Her insights in Nineteen: a Moment in Time, a Family in Crisis will help any teen or parent better navigate these stressful teenage years.

Also by Joanne S Calcagno

Finally an Answer
Finally an Answer and Beyond the Next Chapter