My Puzzled Angel

A mom’s journey with autism

by Laurie Frey


Book Details

This powerful Memoir that I have written will either put a tear in your eye or a smile on your face! The day to day struggles of Autism that my family endured were so important for me to share!

What is AUTISM? Why do we see more children inflicted and families devastated with this diagnosis?? Where does it come from?? Is it treatable? Curable?? Autism comes in many forms on a wide range scale!! These are just some of the questions that arise when we hear the diagnosis of Autism! This story will share my experience of our blessing and life changing experience when our daughter was diagnosed with Autism!!


About the Author

Laurie Frey

Laurie Frey RN, I have been a nurse for 36 years who cared for so many others in my lifetime. I will share my journey as a parent and who was blessed with a child with Autism. My family and I were welcomed with a very gifted daughter. Our second daughter was a life changing experience, who struggles daily with autism. This experience taught us so much and made me the strong woman and mother I am today.