Awaiting a Miracle

The Holocaust Diaries of Morris Breitbart

by Morris Breitbart

Awaiting a Miracle

Awaiting a Miracle

The Holocaust Diaries of Morris Breitbart

by Morris Breitbart

Published Jun 10, 2007
54 Pages
Genre: HISTORY / Modern / 20th Century / Holocaust


Book Details

The Cry of the Homeless One

After making a daring escape off the transport train from the Lodz ghetto en route to the Treblinka concentration camp, Morris Breitbart found refuge in a farmhouse attic, and then in a hole under a stable. In the depths of despair, he records this terrible and unimaginable time in human history. In his diary, he pours his heart out, lamenting the murder of his family so brutally torn away from him, and the tragic fate of the Jewish people, as he dreams, awaiting a miracle.


About the Author

Morris Breitbart

Morris Breitbart was born in Szczercow, Poland on December 25, 1921. When the war broke out in September 1939, the Germans burned his town to the ground and forced the people to the Lodz ghetto. En route from the Lodz ghetto to the Treblinka concentration camp in 1943, where his parents, two sisters, and most of his extended family were killed in the gas chambers, Morris escaped from the transport train. He remained in hiding for the duration of the war through 1944 in the farmhouse of an elderly woman, first in her attic and then in a hole under a stable. During that time, he kept a diary. Awaiting a Miracle: The Holocaust Diaries of Morris Breitbart is a poignant, first person account of that terrible time.

Also by Morris Breitbart

The Memoirs of Morris Gliklich