Odyssey of a Philly Boy

Serendipity, Tsouris and a Little Mazel

by Mel Stein


Book Details

An Engaging Memoir— With a Free Prize Inside!

When a series of unanticipated events forced Mel Stein away from the comfortable life script he had been following, he began to make it up as he went along—to “play it as it lies.” In this highly entertaining memoir, he shares what it was like to grow up poor in Philadelphia during the 1950s, his life as a professional musician, the adventures of being a single dad, and his later success as a healthcare executive. Stein is a gifted storyteller and a talented humorist. His memoir is Kramer vs. Kramer without the custody battle—the story about becoming the father he never had, and the many serendipitous experiences that shaped his life. "Each of us has our own stories, but our most meaningful ones are not about the major accomplishments of our lives. Rather, the seemingly unnoticeable events of our daily existence become the true substance of our memories. It is the richness and color of the stories about our journeys that ultimately define our character and who we truly are."


About the Author

Mel Stein

Mel Stein is the former Senior Vice President of Aetna US Healthcare, serial entrepreneur, rock-and-roll drummer, and Caddyshack extra. Odyssey of a Philly Boy is his first book.