Making Sense of Your Life

Thirty Days of God’s Ways

by Paul Buchheimer


Book Details

Finding Peace and Contentment in Your Life

Does life ever scare you? Are you ever afraid of what the future might bring? What’s just right around the corner? Nothing stays the same, everything must change. We really have so little control of our lives.

Does life ever leave you confused? Does it seem that things just don’t make sense and that there is nothing that you can really be sure of?

Life often seems very puzzling. How do you cope with heartbreak and sorrow, pain and disappointment? We constantly wrestle with loneliness, depression, and anger as we look for answers and a purpose for our existence.

I realize that in a world of sin we will always have tough times throughout our lives. But there is a truth that can lead us to help explain the big picture of life. When we understand and accept this truth everything can take on a different perspective. In this book we look at our purpose for being alive and celebrate peace and contentment. We no longer need to feel lost or confused about our lives or fear failure or rejection. Find your peace and purpose today.


About the Author

Paul Buchheimer

After 38 years of teaching and 13 years as a school principal Dr. Paul Buchheimer is now enjoying writing, teaching on-line Master’s Classes, and traveling with his wife of 49 years, Peggy. He has lived in New York, Florida, California, and now Austin, Texas. Exercising and watching sports occupy much of his free time. He comes from a long line of Pastors and has served the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod in many capacities. He has three grown children, seven grandchildren, and two dogs.