Welcome to my Webpage with upcoming events listings!
LOCAL EVENT: Thanks to all of you who attended the "Local Author Night" event at Barnes and Noble Bookstore in Evansville on Tuesday, September 12, 2023, from 6 - 7:30 p.m. It was a very nice evening! I will post any upcomimg events here as they are scheduled.
There will be a free gift for your book(s) puchase at any of my local book signing events. All proceeds from book sales go to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital to benefit St. Jude children and their families.
In addition to ordering books or the Kindle version from Outskirtspress.com., you can also place orders via Amazon.com, Barnesandnoble.com and Walmart.com. Copies of my book are also availlable locally at the Ascension St. Vincent Evansville Hospital Gift Shop (Evansville, IN) and Feather your Nest Consignment Shop (Newburgh, IN).
I sincerely thank you for reading my book and for your generous support to benefit the St. Jude children and their families! I would appreciate your 5-Star reviews of my book at amazon.com; this would greatly help boost sales to benefit St. Jude. You are AWESOME!
God Bless!
Love... One Lump or Two??
(A light-hearted, humorous story on divorce, dating, single living and determination)
by Margaret Speicher

Love... One Lump or Two??
(A light-hearted, humorous story on divorce, dating, single living and determination)
by Margaret Speicher
Published Sep 24, 2020
176 Pages
Genre: SELF-HELP / Motivational & Inspirational
Book Details
My name is Margaret Speicher, author of my first book entitled, “Love…One Lump or Two??” Although I have always had a life-long dream to write a book, I never thought that I would ever accomplish this seemingly impossible task. However, dreams sometimes come true - and for me, it took divine intervention!
It all happened one evening when I was awakened in the middle of the night by the Holy Spirit, asking me to write write a book. I could not believe what I was hearing! Waking somewhat confused by this early-morning encounter, I communicated with the Holy Spirit to clarify His intentionss for this book, as I had no idea on a topic, chapter titles and any other details needed for me to write the book. Almost immediately, an appropriate topic for the book, including a "catchy" book title and various chapter headings with details on my experiences in the dating world, surprisingly flowed very easily from my thoughts with the help of the Holy Spirit. Maybe this was my destiny!
Upon awakening the next morning fully inspired and motivated by my newest endeavor, I immediately jotted down my thoughts from the previous night’s ideas for writing this book and began composing my thoughts onto paper. Thus, an inspiring work developed about my humorous experiences and entertaining antics, challenges (lumps, as I call them) and opportunities that this determined blonde with a definite sense of humor and temporary misguided sense of direction from a recent divorce encountered. In passionate pursuit of my person, or soul mate ("Mr. Right"), my journey began with the chapter on "The Date from Hell" involving many unforeseen happenings on an attention-grabbing double date, through the chapter on "Dating 101." This chapter describes fresh ideas and methods of surviving the singles' scene and meeting suitable men (and more); thus leading to the chapter on "Mr. Wonderful", my perceived soul mate from God - or was he? Was this "Mr. Right?" More chapters reveal many other twists and turns in finding love that will keep your interest peaked, leading to an inspiring ending!
I truly believe that this entertaining and inspirational book was influenced by the Holy Spirit's early-morning visit, and that I was destined to pursue publication to share my experiences that could help others who are undergoing similar problems in finding love and living alone. I was successful in completing this task by accepting this unique challenge from the Holy Spirit, while constantly reminding myself throughout the process that “If God takes you to it; He will get you through it!”
Book Excerpt
Chapter 1: Divorced…Now What???
This chapter depicts the challenges and opportunities that this young blonde, with a definite sense of humor, encountered in the single’s world following a long-term marriage. I soon learned that some of my new challenges and opportunities would uncover many unforeseen obstacles (lumps, as I call them) along the way. Now What?
Chapter 2: The Date from Hell!
Having met most of my initial priority needs, becoming more settled following my divorce and finding a compatible “running buddy” (Mamie), I was ready for some fun in the single’s world. This entertaining chapter focuses on this blonde’s first date following divorce, which is described perfectly by the chapter title – “The Date from Hell”! This is a got-to-read chapter!
Chapter 3: Professional Single
Following the date from hell, Mamie and I devised methods of being more selective in our intensive search for “Mr. Right”. This chapter details the variety of methods used in finding “Mr. Right”, all of which are too bold and humorous to mention here. Enjoy!
Chapter 4: Dating 101
Following experiences learned from the previous chapter, Mamie and I were better prepared and now ready to apply our learned knowledge in meeting suitable men in hopes of encountering “Mr. Right”. Details are amusingly divulged in this intriguing Chapter.
Chapter 5: Mr. Wonderful
Following my dating adventures, I was successful in running into Mr. Wonderful – the man of my dreams sent from God in answer to my prayers – or was he? This chapter charmingly details how I met Mr. Wonderful and provides all the humorous and gory details following a unique encounter with my perceived soul mate from God. You do NOT want to skip this chapter!
Chapter 6: Single Again…Lessons Learned
Well, as you can tell by the title of this chapter, Mr. Wonderful may not have been so wonderful. After you read the chapter, you will understand why.
Chapter 7: Determination/Self-Worth
This chapter focuses on each individual’s self-worth and determination and how both are necessary to live, grow, love and accept the challenges and opportunities that present themselves to us in our daily lives.
Very Enjoyable!
"Great book, a joyful twist on life after divorce. With determination and lots of prayers you can handle anything life can dish out. I would highly recommend reading this inspiring book."
Encouraging And Inspiring!
"I really enjoyed this book. The author tells of her personal journey to find 'Mr. Right' adding fun and humorous stories along the way. In the end, she realizes that she is 'all set' without him. The last two chapters are encouaging and inspiring."
About the Author