Sandra Grese wrote this book to honor her beloved pets, Frankie and Ricky. She knows, from personal experience, how rewarding it is to give a rescue animal a forever home. Sandra Grese proudly retired as a civilian with the Department of the Air Force. She resides in League City, Texas.
Love Finds Ricky
by Sandra Grese

Love Finds Ricky
by Sandra Grese
Published Nov 14, 2019
47 Pages
Genre: JUVENILE FICTION / Religious / Christian / Fantasy & Science Fiction
Book Details
I love unselfish acts!
This book is about the power of love through unselfish acts of kindness. It is a tender story of concern for others and the happiness it brings two little poodles, Frankie and Ricky. It conveys to children that their departed pets haven’t forgotten them and that Heaven is a happy place. There is a general description of puppy mills. This story is a lesson in hope and courage that will brighten your day and lighten your heart. Frankie finds himself in Heaven worrying about his loved ones on Earth who are overcome with sadness after his death. He is given an assignment to go back to Earth and make his family happy again, as well as discover what his job will be in Heaven. In completing his task, Frankie learns about unselfish acts of kindness. With love and the help of friends, Frankie saves Ricky and other dogs from a puppy mill. He brings joy back to his family when he helps them find and adopt Ricky. Frankie goes on to experience rewards for his good works and great happiness in Heaven as he pursues his new mission: to rescue animals in need and find them forever homes.