Lost At Sea

Restoring the Bride

by Paul A. Gwosdz


Book Details

This book is like a rock skipping across a river of knowledge. Every time it touches the water is a refreshing moment for the soul. As you look down and see that you are standing ankle deep in a river of living water, you reach down to take a drink. While you stand up and sip on its goodness, ask yourself the question “How long have I been standing here? Am I too afraid to move on into the deep?” My only hope is that the gravity of the deep is calling to the deep. There is a question that I have asked which no one seems to be able to answer correctly. When answered, it has the ability to change the world. In this book you will find the question and I give the answer. The answer will either bring great peril into your life or it will bring you into the Glory of the everlasting kingdom of the Lord. Jesus said “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.” This is where I will begin.


About the Author

Paul A. Gwosdz

No Bio

Also by Paul A. Gwosdz

Life Book