Victor Dan Jaramillo is a resident of Chimayó and a descendant of its original settlers. His interest in the history and culture of his native land began at a very young age. His extensive collection of research, oral histories and photographs has brought him to this point. Dan is a founding member of the Chimayó Cultural Preservation Association and the curator of the Chimayó Museum.
Los Chimayosos
A Community History
by Victor Dan Jaramillo
Los Chimayosos
A Community History
by Victor Dan Jaramillo
Published Oct 18, 2018
162 Pages
Genre: HISTORY / United States / State & Local / Southwest (AZ, NM, OK, TX)
Book Details
“This is a community history that contains lasting value, that uses the voices and traditional values and knowledge of the people who have lived there for centuries. This is a story that should be read by native Chimayosos and all New Mexicans and must be passed onto future generations for a true understanding of Chimayó and this region of Rio Arriba.” – B. Michael Miller / / "Dan has spent much of his life studying the history and traditions of Chimayo. He began interviewing old-timers in Chimayo in 1984 and has quietly compiled a rich archive of oral history and reminiscences that is a valuable and irreplaceable record. In addition to this wealth of oral history, he has studied almost every available document, book, article, map or photograph having any relevance to his subject. He has thoughtfully woven all this material together in this book to present a full picture of the history and traditions of a community that is only partially known by the outside world." - William Wroth
Book Excerpt
In 1694, a group of new colonists from Mexico City arrived in Santa Fe. They were described as "Españoles Mexicanos" because most were people of the Spanish class who were natives of the Mexico City area. The Spanish had first come to the Valley of Mexico with the conquest of 1521. By 1694, the ancestors of these "Españoles Mexicanos" had been living as part of New Spain in central Mexico for over 170 years. Eleven of the households were headed by men who had been born in the Iberian Peninsula. Even though they were of mixed heritage, all were classified as members of the "español" caste. The new settlers heading for New Mexico were young, relatively poor tradesmen.