Why Should I Listen to You?

The hard facts about TRUTH , and four surefire strategies that will earn you the right to be heard!

by Cynthia Hayes

Why Should I Listen to You?

Why Should I Listen to You?

The hard facts about TRUTH , and four surefire strategies that will earn you the right to be heard!

by Cynthia Hayes

Published Mar 28, 2009
95 Pages
Genre: SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / General


Book Details

Today's NEW Survival Guide to Getting Heard!

Do you find it hard to speak truth for fear that you may lose your job, friend, position or relationship? Are you affected by the consequences and choices of another person or group? Then this book is for you! Medical providers, corporations, small businesses, human resource departments, bible study groups, staff managers, teachers, Realtors, parents and students can all use this as a gift for new hires, friends, company giveaways, or include it in staff meetings, their employee manuals, or workbook studies. In today's uncertain and dismal economic forecast, the right words and attitude really DO matter!


Book Excerpt

Life is not always going to be comfortable, but there is comfort in knowing that you can be real. Try to surround yourself with people that are mature enough and deep enough intellectually to be a source of inspiration and growth. These types of people are NOT afraid of conversation or uncomfortable with a different opinion or confrontation. Find people who welcome discussion and are energized by it. It is important to be that type of person yourself. Are you approachable? Can YOU handle the truth?


About the Author

Cynthia Hayes

CYNTHIA HAYES, founder of LifeChimes, International, is an experienced communication coach, author, and speaker on the important issues of truth and integrity in relationships. LifeChimes was initially created as a tool to gauge where people were at emotionally, during whatever season of life they were in. Soon, however, it became obvious that something more than just a gauge was needed. What people of all ages, social status, skill levels, economics, and demographics seemed to be missing was one crucial element… truth. With truth, comes integrity, but integrity cannot exist without truth. Tact and charm are surface qualities, but integrity runs deep. Telling the truth is not enough. We must earn the right to be heard by speaking in a way that compels others to stop, take notice, and listen. Fortunately, this book explains how four key factors can be combined and utilized to bring truth and balance to any relationship or situation!