Letting Go of the Thief

"A Ninety Day Journey Inside the Thoughts of an Alcoholic."

by Pamela D. Pesta

Letting Go of the Thief

Letting Go of the Thief

"A Ninety Day Journey Inside the Thoughts of an Alcoholic."

by Pamela D. Pesta

Published May 31, 2018
192 Pages
Genre: SELF-HELP / Substance Abuse & Addictions / Alcohol


Book Details

If You’re Dealing with Alcoholism, this Book is for You.

Letting go of the Thief, is a ninety day voyage into alcoholic thinking. Welcome to the chaotic thrashing of a mind, pulsating with intoxication. Spend a few moments in the whirlwind of shame, guilt, and utter desperation. The thief will shrewdly expose the terror of that human soul drenched in remorse and fear. You will never fully understand this harrowing disease, until you jump in to that circus.

“It’s always dark now; I have left the light behind me.” “I chose this, as that the thief snickered in the corner.” “He promised the soothing relief of unconscious living.” “He understood my need to hide.” “The decision to choose you instead, was no longer mine to make,” admitted the alcoholic.

Enter in to the conquest for sobriety where the thief patiently prepares to destroy you at any given moment. Feel the whirling sensations of recovery in its’ happiest times and in its’ most difficult ones.

“I’m not sure that I’m going to make it today.” “One little drink won’t hurt me.” “I’ve been on this sobriety wagon long enough; I think I’m cured now.” “Why am I glaring at that woman who just ordered her second glass of wine?” questioned the recovering alcoholic.

The problem drinker will be thoroughly reminded as to why they can never touch alcohol again. Loved ones and normal drinkers will finally experience alcoholic contemplation, both in sobriety and active addiction. Jump into the circus and witness the chattering mind, of one who suffers from this disease.


About the Author

Pamela D. Pesta

Pamela D. Pesta is a wife, mother of twin boys, and a recovering alcoholic. She is a graduate of Xavier University. She splits her time living in Cincinnati, Ohio and Northern Michigan where she continues to write and help others who are seeking sobriety



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