Dr. Lofty Basta, MD, FRCP, FACC graduated from Ain-Shams University in Cairo, where he served as resident, instructor, and assistant professor in its Cardiology Department. Dr. Basta trained at the Royal Infirmary in Scotland, the post-graduate Medical School of London, and the University of Iowa. He has served as professor of medicine and head of the Cardiovascular Section at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (1974); founder of the Tulsa Heart Center (1976); and professor of medicine and director of the Division of Cardiology at the University of South Florida (1993). Currently he is a clinical professor of medicine at UCSF. Dr. Basta is the author of Cardiology for the Primary Care Physician, Graceful Exit, and Life and Death on Your Own Terms as well as numerous medical textbook chapters on end-of-life medical care. He is devoted to the plight of minorities in the Middle East and has been in contact with religious leaders, heads of parties, and ministers in Egypt.
Let There Be Spring
Trump is Not the Future of Egypt
by Lofty Basta, MD, FRCP, FACC

Let There Be Spring
Trump is Not the Future of Egypt
by Lofty Basta, MD, FRCP, FACC
Published Feb 12, 2016
210 Pages
Book Details
What happened to the “Arab Spring”? Was its derailment inevitable? What is the likelihood that Egypt will recover from her recent travails?
Dr. Lofty Basta, now an American citizen, was born and raised in Egypt. Keen on keeping up with current events in his native country, Dr. Basta began documenting his reflections on Egypt’s uprising and political turmoil in 2011, in the form of over fifty articles which he shared with opinion makers in America, Canada, Europe, Egypt, and many others connected to social media. He also conveyed them to Egyptian political leaders, heads of political parties, and ministers in government. Let There Be Spring is a compilation of these articles in their original form, representing the author’s reactions and interpretations of events as they took place. Understandably, Egypt’s citizens are anxious to see the fruits of their uprising, but a new chapter is being written and the story is by no means complete.