The Author worked for thirty-six years as a Professional Engineer. Often, his passion to help others overshadowed his solid engineering skills. Faced with adversity, this engineer turned poet shares personal experiences to provide valuable information and lessons learned in his own unique way. He dedicates this legacy to his mother, son, and six grandchildren.
Legacy of Wisdom Through Poetry
by Calvin Doucet
Legacy of Wisdom Through Poetry
by Calvin Doucet
Published Nov 11, 2017
55 Pages
Genre: POETRY / General
Book Details
A Legacy of Wisdom to Enrich your Life
Legacy of Wisdom through Poetry, thirty-one thought-provoking poems within five chapters: Motivation, Love, Life Experiences, Reality, and Inspiration. These poems convey information to the reader that will undoubtedly solicit ideas and thoughts about their personal lives and the lives of others. These poems will help instill values in your children, just by having a family reading. —Calvin J. Doucet, Author
“The writer of the poems covers a lifetime of character and values. All of the poems have life lessons built into them. Many will bring you to tears and cause you to reexamine the values we hold dear and too often take for granted. I strongly encourage all to buy, read, and reflect on these introspective poems. Buy the book also as a gift for those you love. There is something in it for everyone to both enjoy and benefit from. From engineer to poet, Calvin Doucet rocks!”
—Elaine L. Wilmore, Ph.D., Professor, Consultant, Mentor, and Counselor
“As a member of senior management in the electric power industry, I became keenly aware of Calvin’s skill as a professional engineer. But more impressive was Calvin’s commitment to touch the lives of others by serving on city boards, coaching, mentoring, or just advocating for the right cause. Again, Calvin seizes another opportunity to touch your life with poems based upon his life experiences. This compilation of poetic works will challenge the reader in ways unimaginable. I would encourage you as you read this book to sit back, put on your seat belt, and prepare to laugh, cry a little, and experience the travails of life through the rearview mirror of one who engineered, encouraged, and endured.”
—Ronald Bullock, CEO, Fresh Perspectives Consulting