Khmer Legends: Part II

by Demaz Baker


Book Details

Khmer Legends, Part II is Demaz Tep Baker’s continuing effort to keep Khmer legends alive. Folktales are full of rich culture. Culture differs from one country to another. Like many other cultures in Southeast Asia, Khmer culture is no different. It’s influenced by mythical deities, supernatural powers, beliefs, superstitions, spirits that govern the daily activities in rural areas. This new collection of folktales and Khmer poems related to her homeland will certainly enjoy a variety of audiences.


About the Author

Demaz Baker

Ms. Baker obtained her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in 1993, and 1995 respectively while working full time for the Department of Defense. After her retirement from the federal government, she joined an SBA Contracting Agency in support of the Treasury Department. Ms. Baker lives in Annandale, Virginia, and is a very proud grandmother of two beautiful grandchildren in Boston.

Also by Demaz Baker

Khmer Legends
Khmer Legends: Part III