The Abundance-Scarcity Paradox

by Kenwyn K. Smith


Book Details

Humanity now recognizes we are partway through a transformational epoch that may be even more impactful than the Renaissance. A central feature of this reformation is discovering that all of life is predicated on abundance. Never before has the world been so wealthy. Yet mostly we still feel it is a struggle to survive, largely because our economic system is based on real or artificially created scarcities. The world order has been founded on the economics of scarcity, which is an insufficiently robust architectural edifice given present geopolitical complexities. It needs to be augmented by a financial infrastructure centered on abundance.

Before remaking economics, we need to develop a coherent and collective sense of abundance. Since we know a lot about scarcity, it seems wise to prepare for this transition by discovering how to describe everyday events using the principles of abundance. In the past, people have treated shortages as evidence of scarcity and excesses as indicators of abundance. Such notions are now being reconceptualized. Abundance is a way of seeing, a method of thinking, a form of emoting, and a manner of intuiting. So is scarcity. Abundance results from the integrating of seeming polarities and the balancing effectiveness of yin-yang-like rheostats.

In an artful way, this book shows how everyday events can be experienced as either awash with abundance or burdened by scarcity. Learning how to see the best and the worst of times with an abundance rather than a scarcity lens is the special gift of this book.


About the Author

Kenwyn K. Smith

Kenwyn Smith, professor of organizational behavior at the University of Pennsylvania, is a scholar-practitioner. His work has ranged from schools to prisons, businesses to health care institutions, state-run enterprises to entrepreneurship, pharmaceuticals in Belgium to HIV/AIDS communities in America, from restoring under-resourced black South African townships to supporting livelihood-development in rural India.