Keep Your Ass in the Saddle

How a Farm, a Fire, and Failure Led Me to Freedom

by Annie M. Fonte

Keep Your Ass in the Saddle

Keep Your Ass in the Saddle

How a Farm, a Fire, and Failure Led Me to Freedom

by Annie M. Fonte

Published Oct 20, 2019
181 Pages
Genre: SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Happiness


Book Details

The potential for extraordinary abundance and achievement and lasting fulfillment lies within you.

Annie M. Fonte tells the truth about her upbringing and inspiring journey to personal freedom. She weaves the threads of her life together with unabashed candor and transparency. Annie is a captivating storyteller who is raw and real as she invites you to pause and reflect on your life. In this true debut story, Annie talks about choosing happiness, finding peace and joy, overcoming fear, and ultimately living a life she loves with authenticity at its foundation. If you are ready to create a life you love, to stop playing small, to ditch the excuses, and start living graciously, this book is a must-read for you. It will open you up to stunningly new perspectives about your life. It will invite you to view every experience as a gift and to have an enduring and endearing relationship with yourself and others. Keep Your Ass In The Saddle is that little nudge you need to muster up the courage to live a life true to yourself and fully embrace your genuineness.


About the Author

Annie M. Fonte

Annie M. Fonte, MBA Annie comes from humble beginnings. Raised on the plains of Northeastern Colorado, she started out as a dirt farmer, kicked up some dust as an athlete, and got gritty in the business world. Annie has over two decades of entrepreneurial endeavors under her belt. Her most recent undertaking is the creation of Meet Me At The Barn, a personal development enterprise designed to assist people in achieving their highest level of living. An extensive bio can be found at