Larry Peabody has seen the workplace from three angles--as an employee, as a business owner and as a senior pastor.
He served in three state agencies over a span of 11 years. For the next 17 years, he worked as a self-employed business owner, teaching business-writing seminars for a variety of public agencies and private companies. While still in that role, he led a team that planted a church, serving as its bi-vocational pastor for 8 years and then as full-time senior pastor for another 13 years.
While working as a state employee, Peabody authored the book, SERVING CHRIST IN THE WORKPLACE, published by Christian Literature Crusade (originally under the title, SECULAR WORK IS FULL-TIME SERVICE).
Job-Shadowing Daniel
Walking the Talk at Work
by Larry Peabody

Job-Shadowing Daniel
Walking the Talk at Work
by Larry Peabody
Published Apr 22, 2010
202 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Discipleship
Book Details
Do Your Work for God as Daniel Did
Does it sometimes seem your work has no spiritual value? Daniel worked for decades among co-workers who did not know the true God. Yet his work and his life left a lasting mark and carried out God's agenda in that time and place. In this book, you'll learn many of Daniel's secrets for staying true to God in an ungodly environment--and continuing to do so over the long haul.
Book Excerpt
In the film, Hoosiers, actor Gene Hackman coaches the high school basketball team of Hickory, Indiana. The rural, small-town team makes it to the Indiana state finals. Most of these boys have never seen a building taller than two stories. As they walk from their bus into the massive arena, their mouths hang open as they take in its sheer size. Seeing their intimidated faces, Hackman pulls a tape measure from his pocket. He asks one boy to extend the tape from the free-throw line to just under the backboard. Fifteen feet. Then a second boy, on the shoulders of another, measures the distance between the floor and the hoop. Ten feet. I think you’ll find, Hackman says, it’s the same as our gym back in Hickory.
When Nebuchadnezzar transplanted him from Judah to Babylon, Daniel may well have felt much like those high school boys. But even a tape measure would not have helped. Jerusalem, the capital city of his homeland, may have had 25,000 people. By some estimates, the population of Babylon, capital city of the vast Babylonian empire, hit a half-million. This small-town boy, brought up to believe the true God, was now surrounded by powerful, rich and worldly-wise people. Daniel would spend his whole long career in this environment. Yet decades later, Daniel the senior citizen still trusted the true God as unflinchingly as he had in his youth. In spite of all the tempting detours in his workplace, Daniel finished well. What was his secret? Could knowing his secret make a difference in your life? Might Daniel’s example help you stay spiritually strong even among the pressures where you work?
About the Author