Is There Something You Want?

Take It From Me!

by Dr. John McKinney


Book Details

You’ll want to share this book with everyone you know who is struggling with finances, relationships, or personal growth.

You do not need extraordinary talents to master the principles taught here in order to improve the conditions in your life. You will gain the ability to live by the laws that govern how things are manifested in the world in general and in your unique life in particular.


About the Author

Dr. John McKinney

Dr. John McKinney has been a psychologist/behavioral scientist for over thirty years and specializes in addictive behavior disorders. His purpose for writing this book is based on the concept that addictive behaviors comes in many forms and that they generally inhibit people from maximizing their full potential. Dr. McKinney is the director of the Napa Valley Counseling and Mental Health Center. He has also served as a college professor, a radio broadcast personality, a mental health consultant, and a Senior pastor. He is a national motivational speaker and lecturer on mental health issues, relationships, and spirituality. He conducts workshops and seminars for couples and individuals on personal growth and development. Dr. McKinney is the best-selling author of the book Reality Check.



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