Rev. Barr has spent over 45 years ministering to both those in church and the unreached people who surround the church but whom the church has never reached out to. An ordained pastor and licensed Social Worker, he has served the Lord through the church, as well as through government and faith-based Social Service organizations. He has also served on the adjunct faculty of two community colleges and has written extensively and conducted seminars for local, Statewide, and international conferences. ----------------------------- E-mail - web page
In The World But Not Of It-Serving Christ In The Modern World
God's Principles for Living
by Robert Barr

In The World But Not Of It-Serving Christ In The Modern World
God's Principles for Living
by Robert Barr
Published Dec 18, 2008
191 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Christian Living / General
Book Details
Seeking God’s direction for your life?
In our confusing world, many church members are searching for direction, yet their churches have abandoned Bible-centered preaching and teaching in favor of the many modern popular philosophies prevalent today. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This series is for those who are seeking to live a life pleasing to God and looks at the culture around us in the light of Bible teaching.----- -------------------------------------------------------------- Level #1-"In The World But Not Of It"-This book examines Bible teaching that relates to our modern situation through Biblical principles and practical illustrations. ---(also available in E-book) -------------------------------------------------------------- Level #2-"Truly In The World But Not Of It"-This book is in two parts and provides practical help in living a life pleasing to God by examining the various aspects of the world around us and the major issues we face in dealing with the world around us.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part-A deals with the areas where we affect the world around us, our Personal Relationships, Health, and Welfare-(available in paperback and E-book from Lulu Press)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part-B deals with the institutions that shape our lives-Government, Economics, and Education-(available in paperback and E-book from Lulu Press)------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level #3 "The Servant's Heart" is for mature Christians who want to change the world around them. This book is in two parts and examines the needs around us and explores ways that we can meet those needs through personal, church-based, and community-based ministries. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part-A deals with the needs of the elderly, the children, and the Lost Sheep and ways to minister to them. (available in paperback and E-Book from Lulu Press)-------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- Part-B deals with the needs of those in poverty, the rural homeless, and the stranger in the gate and ways to minister to them.-(available in paperback and E-book from LULU Press)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I have also published "Rebuilding The Kingdom for church leaders, which looks at the church, it’s functions, and how it can organize to carry out it’s mission more effectively.-(available in paperback and E-Book from LULU Press)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also-"Understanding the Path We Walk" a introductory course for new Christians on the doctrines of the Bible, the beliefs of the church, and a short history of the church. Also a refresher course for older Christians. Available in paperback from LULU Press. Not yet available in E-book. I have developed a booklet series for those experiencing financial problems who would like help balancing the budget, discovering their talents, getting a job, or starting a business (list available on I have also produced "One Such As I" an autobiography on the stages of my life, how I found Him and what He has taught me as I serve Him. (Available in paperback from LULU Press-titled "An Unlikely Choice" in E-book)
Book Excerpt
I-Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John 14:9&10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9-Jesus said to him, "Have I been with you so long and yet you do not know me, Phillip. He who has seen me has seen the Father; how can you say, "Show us the Father"? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10-Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father in Me? The Words that I say to you, I do not speak on my own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does His works."--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Throughout the history of the Christian church, the Church has struggled with the question of what its mission and reason for existence should be. It has also struggled with the question of how to relate to the world, which at times embraces it with open arms, and at other times tries to exterminate it by burning its Bibles, its churches, and even its leaders. The Church is constantly faced with the question of how to keep its reason for existence without losing the contact necessary to carry out its mission. The Church is also constantly faced with the question of how to remain in the world without being corrupted by the world and how it can truly reflect the Father like Jesus did. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At various times the Church has succeeded beyond its wildest dreams and at other times has failed miserably because it has become so entangled with the world that it has been almost indistinguishable from the world, but God has raised up prophets and leaders to call the Church back to its central mission. Yet for all its human failings, God continues to embrace the Church as the instrument through which He is determined to change the world. God has called the Church to be a leaven, working in the world to change mankind. He has commissioned the Church to preach the Word that He has redeemed all people from the power of sin and death and that we are free to become what He intended us to be, and He has commissioned the Church to go into all the world and make disciples. A disciple is a follower of his master and if we truly follow Christ, we must become like Him.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II-Like the Master --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are two aspects of Jesus' life that stand out:He spent a great deal of time communing with His Father through prayer and worship, and He spent the rest of His time serving His Father. Jesus confirms this when He said, If you love me,you will keep my commandments." We must then ask what His commandments were. When the Pharisees asked Jesus what the greatest commandment was, Jesus told the Pharisees that all the Law and the Prophets depended on the two great commandments, which were to love God with all your heart, soul, and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself. (see Matt.22:34-40)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As I have studied the Word of God, there are four things, which seem to distinquish the Christian religion from the other great religions of the world. Though the message has varied from time to time, these four distinctions, which arise from the teachings and example of Christ, have arisen as central themes in the great revivals, which have swept the church. Though sometimes one has been emphasized, at other times it has been replaced by one of the others, yet the great revivals of the Church have centered on these great themes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------