In Pro Football Black Quarterbacks and the N-Word Matters

The Acceptance of the Black Quarterback and the Black Male in Society

by Ralph Cuffeea Allsopp


Book Details

Learn the unusual history—the disdain and eventual acceptance—of African-Americans playing quarterback at the professional level in this insightful new guide.

Pro Football Black Quarterbacks and the N-Word Matter highlights a select group of Black quarterbacks and the psychological and sociological sacrifices they made in order to play the sport—a 101 course on the Black male’s struggle to succeed in life and sports. It also discusses Black athletes who wanted to become leaders on the football field but were denied the opportunity to show their skills by racist notions still prevalent in our society. The book explores the relationship between the Black quarterbacks in the NFL and the Black male in society, and exposes the flawed thinking and stereotypes that often hold Blacks back—whether in the military, on the football field, or in the political arena. And finally, it focuses on the psychological cost of achieving success at a position historically considered “Whites Only,” like the restrooms and water fountains of the Jim Crow era. If you want psychological and sociological insights into the saga of professional football—and the N-word—this is your crib sheet!


About the Author

Ralph Cuffeea Allsopp

Ralph Cuffeea Allsopp received his doctorate and master’s degrees in clinical psychology from New York University. He also received a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology and a master’s degree in Education from The City College of New York. He minored in Biology. Sociology and Philosophy. He was a volunteer consultant for the Williams College Women’s Track Team; committee chairman (The Black Athlete) APA Division 47; and chairman, presenter, and symposium chairman of the Image of the Black Athlete in the Media (APA). Dr. Allsopp has also been a member of the Athletic Policy Committee, Emory University.

Also by Ralph Cuffeea Allsopp

In the Media Black Portrayals Matter