Forty Days In His Presence II

by SJ Moore


Book Details

“Forty Days In His Presence II” is an Inspirational Devotional Journal of Scriptures, one in which Jesus asked His disciples, “who do you say that I Am?” Mark 8:29.NKJ. The answer to that question reveals who Jesus is, and Who He is to you. Another vital Scripture discloses, “in His presence there is fullness of joy; and pleasures for ever more.” Psalm16:11. NKJV. The Scriptures reveal God’s pathway to righteousness, unconditional love, everlasting peace, the value of patience, as well as the counsel and protection of Lord and Savior.


About the Author

SJ Moore

Dr. Susie J. Moore, a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. Dr. Moore has five wonderful, children and their spouses: Kristie & Lawrence, Lawrence D., Lorenzo D & Jerriedean, Timothy R. & Laura and Villetta& David. She has twenty-two glorious grand children and fifteen beloved great-grandchildren that are all gifts from the Lord and truly blessings for her. Dr. Moore’s passion is sharing the love of God and encouraging individuals to be all that God created and gifted them to become. Under the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit Dr. Moore gave birth to The Revelation Of God’s Love Ministry and The Women Of God Walking In Faith Ministry. Dr. Moore is a graduate of: George C Wallace State Tech., William Tyndale Bible College, and Covington Theological Seminary.

Also by SJ Moore

Forty Days In His Presence
You Are Given a Call to Love
The Enigmas of Love
Do You Believe?
God's Chosen
Forty Days of Wilderness Fast With Jesus