Hydrie, the Water Molecule

The Adventures of One Molecule of Water Through Two Billion Years on Earth

by William Krayer

Hydrie, the Water Molecule

Hydrie, the Water Molecule

The Adventures of One Molecule of Water Through Two Billion Years on Earth

by William Krayer

Published Jan 30, 2019
52 Pages
Genre: JUVENILE NONFICTION / Science & Nature / General (see also headings under Animals or Technology)


Book Details


Water is everywhere on earth—in rivers, lakes and oceans, but also underground, in air, crystals, rocks, plants, animals—and people! Hydrie has had two billion years to see many changes in the earth—and to help it change. But Hydrie doesn’t change. In his most recent home in a glacier, he is just like he was two billion years ago, looking forward to a few more eons on earth.

A molecule of water doesn’t have a son or daughter
And it cannot talk or walk like you and I
But it doesn’t change a bit And it doesn’t age a whit
As the eons and the centuries go by.


About the Author

William Krayer

William Krayer is a semi-retired patent attorney and former school director who helps in a children’s reading program. He strives to present basic scientific insights on every page of a children’s book. A lifelong resident of Pittsburgh, he has given his children and grandchildren books on every possible occasion.