How the Ancient Latin Eternal Hell Heresy Became the Protestant “Gospel Truth”

by Mel & Carol Royse

How the Ancient Latin Eternal Hell Heresy Became the Protestant “Gospel Truth”

How the Ancient Latin Eternal Hell Heresy Became the Protestant “Gospel Truth”

by Mel & Carol Royse

Published Sep 29, 2020
119 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Christianity / General


Book Details

An Exposé of How the Ancient Latin Eternal Hell Heresy Became a Part of Christian Doctrine by Knowingly Mistranslating the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures

Centuries before Christ, the Roman rulers controlled the unruly pagans by teaching that the Roman God Cronus would throw the eternal souls of the disobedient into an eternal inferno immediately after death. When the Christian faith was brought to Europe, the Latin clergy just traded the Roman God Cronus for the Christian God Jehovah.

Greek missionaries acquiesced to the pleas of the Latin clergy to continue the Latin lie of an eternal inferno so they could continue maintaining order. That is the reason for over 280 deliberate good intention mistranslations in the 405 AD Latin Vulgate, including 75 infernos.

Greek missionaries used Plato’s Doctrine of Reserve when ministering to the Latin Church. It holds the truth in reserve while substituting a “medicinal lie” for the better good. The better good was the conversion and control of the Latin pagans. The medicinal lie was that eternal torment in a fiery hell awaited any who did not convert to the Catholic faith and submit to the priesthood.

By the time of the Protestant Reformation, these “medicinal lies” had become established doctrine. The early Protestant reformers innocently accepted most of the Latin mistranslations. These are in our early Protestant Bibles, but not in many Bibles after 1864 that have been translated with the aid of hundreds of whole and partial manuscripts discovered after the 1611 King James Bible was published. These restore the true image of God. One of many is the Concordant Literal Translation by Adolph E. Knoch.

Any Greek missionaries caught teaching the true Greek gospel in Latin territories after the 553 AD Edict of Justinian were labeled as heretics, imprisoned, tortured, and put to death. This and the 622-640 AD Islamic wars against Christians and Jews led to the Latin gospel becoming dominant over the true Greek gospel.

God’s resurrection judgments are correctional with justice and an appropriate punishment. There is terrible grief and sorrow at the beginning of the Great White Throne Judgment, but it turns to joy and harmony with God at the end when God becomes all in all (1 Cor. 15:28).

You will learn dozens of verifiable facts that you will never hear in your typical Latin or Protestant hell heresy church. We expose several other heresies.


About the Author

Mel & Carol Royse

Centuries before Christ, the Roman rulers controlled the unruly pagans by teaching that the Roman God Cronus would throw the eternal souls of the disobedient into an eternal inferno immediately after death. When the Christian faith was brought to Europe, the Latin clergy just traded the Roman God Cronus for the Christian God Jehovah. Greek missionaries acquiesced to the pleas of the Latin clergy to continue the Latin lie of an eternal inferno so they could continue maintaining order. That is the reason for over 280 deliberate good intention mistranslations in the 405 AD Latin Vulgate, including 75 infernos. Greek missionaries used Plato’s Doctrine of Reserve when ministering to the Latin Church. It holds the truth in reserve while substituting a “medicinal lie” for the better good. The better good was the conversion and control of the Latin pagans. The medicinal lie was that eternal torment in a fiery hell awaited any who did not convert to the Catholic faith and submit to the priesthood. By the time of the Protestant Reformation, these “medicinal lies” had become established doctrine. The early Protestant reformers innocently accepted most of the Latin mistranslations. These are in our early Protestant Bibles, but not in many Bibles after 1864 that have been translated with the aid of hundreds of whole and partial manuscripts discovered after the 1611 King James Bible was published. These restore the true image of God. One of many is the Concordant Literal Translation by Adolph E. Knoch. Any Greek missionaries caught teaching the true Greek gospel in Latin territories after the 553 AD Edict of Justinian were labeled as heretics, imprisoned, tortured, and put to death. This and the 622-640 AD Islamic wars against Christians and Jews led to the Latin gospel becoming dominant over the true Greek gospel. God’s resurrection judgments are correctional with justice and an appropriate punishment. There is terrible grief and sorrow at the beginning of the Great White Throne Judgment, but it turns to joy and harmony with God at the end when God becomes all in all (1 Cor. 15:28). You will learn dozens of verifiable facts that you will never hear in your typical Latin or Protestant hell heresy church. We expose several other heresies.