Jeff Hagen is an award winning author and artist. His creative work has received acclaim from The New York Times, Chicago Tribune,Milwaukee Journal. Minneapolis Star/tribune /Detroit News/ Publisher Weekly, NEA, ABC T.V. Junior Library Guilde and Kirkus Starred reviews. He has authored and illustrated 10 books and has created numerous cover features for major Sunday newspapers and magazines across the US And Canada. His award winning artwork has appeared in Watercolor USA , NationalWatercolor Society traveling exhibit . Watercolor Wisconsin , The Utah National paint and Print show and several hundred art shows in The U S and Europe,he is a signature member of The National Watercolor Society. Recently, he was honored as a Distinguished Alumni Award recipient from his Universtiy in Minnesota. He has taught art for over 40 years in the public schools of the U S..currently he is volunteering to teach at a small mountain school in Appalachia…a portion of the sale of this book and artwork will be donated to help that small school buy art supplies. He lives in the Midwest and still loves the sound of a midnight train passing his bedroom window in the dark star studded sky.
Hiawatha Passing
Sometimes Magic Happens
by Jeff Hagen

Hiawatha Passing
Sometimes Magic Happens
by Jeff Hagen
Published Feb 17, 2019
36 Pages
Genre: JUVENILE FICTION / Transportation / Railroads & Trains
Book Details
Far Below The Moon.....A mysterious light emerges from the infinite darkness of a cold winter's night......
Out in the middle of God's country, in a tin roofed farm house....a small boy is awaken by a noise and a bump in the night.
What was that sound?
He wondered..."Something" was moving in the darkness outside his bedroom
window...He sensed that...something REALLY BIG....was fast approaching his farm yard.
In simple prose and enchanting watercolors;
storyteller Jeff Hagen envelopes a magical moment in life when fear and uncertainty turns into discovery, wonder, and joy...the stuff of dreams....impinging on one another.......... in the flat black velvet night of rural America.