He Will Never Forsake You

Deut. 31:8

by Mark Johns


Book Details

The spiritual battle for one man's soul.

From the day Mark Johns was born, it seemed that Satan had taken a personal interest in his life. Mark suffered a childhood of neglect, adversity, addiction, and dysfunction. He grew up to become a drug addict, an alcoholic, an adulterer, a thief, a liar, and a womanizer, with several suicide attempts along the way. He broke every one of God’s commandments except “Thou shalt not kill,” and he lived in constant fear of God’s punishment. And finally, with the help of AA, CR, and a few kind-hearted friends, Mark began to discover the power of God’s love. “Sometimes we think our sins are so great that God wants nothing to do with us; or that our sins are so unique that He won’t forgive them. Deuteronomy 31:8 tells us, ‘The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.’” He Will Never Forsake You is the compelling true story of the battle between God and Satan for one man’s soul…and his ultimate redemption.


Book Excerpt

As a child, for me it was very difficult. I was second in a line of four boys. My father was an alcoholic; my mother was an alcoholic and a prescription drug addict. Dad was Agnostic, mom was Atheist and yet they sent their children to a Catholic school. Talk about mixed messages, growing up the Catholics taught me of a vengeful God. My mother said there is no God, and my Father said there is a God but, He doesn't want anything to do with me because I can't be forgiven.


About the Author

Mark Johns

About the Author: Mark Johns was born in a small Midwestern town in Illinois. He has three children and 3 grandchildren. He Will Never Forsake You is based on fact and inspired by God.



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