Book Details

What’s My Calling?

At some point in your life you have probably asked yourself if you are following God’s calling. The question often comes in one of these formats: Am I doing what He wants from me? Is there more I should be doing? Am I qualified to take on new responsibilities? Here Am I Lord helps the reader to see that we all have talents, many of which may have not been realized yet. The book also demonstrates how, in spite of the fears we too often share, God can do extraordinary things through ordinary people. All that is required is a willingness to be available.


About the Author

Michael Waller

Michael Waller, MBA, has traveled extensively and has had the opportunity to experience many diverse cultures, learning a great deal about what motivates people in the process. A previous work, The Failure of Japanese Production Methodologies in Western Cultures, was a thesis on the cultural implications for how to apply successful manufacturing methodologies in different settings. This work had significant implications for Here Am I Lord, as it applies to how people approach religion and worship in different cultural settings.



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