Healthy Vegetarian Recipes

by K. Ramachandra Bhat


Book Details

Vegetarian diet has gained popularity in USA and other parts of the world for health and religious reasons. In USA, some follow strict vegetarianism and some use eggs and milk. Vegetarianism as practiced here fails to supply adequate amount of protein and utilize diverse varieties of vegetables and nuts to get essential nutrients and minerals. This is due to lack of familiarity with the varieties of vegetables and knowledge as to how to cook them. Furthermore, vegetarian diet is not complete without cooked rice and wheat breads and other grains that are eaten in conjunction. The recipes provided are to overcome the dietary deficiencies. This is how vegetarians eat along with milk and milk products in India where the largest number of vegetarians in the world live. On an esoteric level, our tongue recognizes six Rasas or tastes (sweet, sour, salt, bitter, insipid, and pepper hot) and proper combination results in tasty morsels. The sauces combined with rice or breads makes good eating. Moreover, vegetarian diet is probably a salvation to feeding burgeoning world population than animal based diet that may not be sustainable. The book provides time tested easy recipes that are being followed even now that dates back to Pre-Christian era with little changes. The recipes provided are exclusively used by Havyaka Brahmin community and now adopted by other communities that do not eat meat, fish and eggs.


About the Author

K. Ramachandra Bhat

K. Ramachandra Bhat, was born in India to Havyaka parents and completed his undergraduate education in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics, and graduated with B.Sc. degree from Mysore University, Mysore, India. He obtained M.Sc. degree in Analytical Chemistry from Banaras Hindu University, Banaras, India. He came to USA to continue graduate studies in Chemistry at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio and obtained M.S. degree in Physical Chemistry. He continued his studies in Physical Chemistry at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New jersey and graduated with Doctoral degree. Following few academic research positions and faculty position he retired as Professor of Chemistry. He is a member of American Chemical Society (ACS) and American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). He has to his credit several peer reviewed research publications in esteemed scientific journals. The recipes are the result of his keen interest and hobby of gardening and cooking.