Healing Across the Veil

by Margaret Grace


Book Details

Margaret presents her unusual experience with trying to reconcile the newly surfaced memories of her father’s sexual abuse when she was a child with her own belief that her now deceased dad was one of the kindest people she had known. She finds herself trying to decide whether to embrace her inner child who was coming up for healing or to lose herself to spare her family from this painful truth. She finally prayed that God somehow let her know the truth no matter whether this truth meant she was crazy as her family thought or whether she was accurate in pursuing this truth for healing. She became committed to following the truth wherever it led her, trusting that God had a plan to resolve this family crisis for the good of every family member. The last thing she expected was that her deceased dad would start explaining to her what really happened and open up a dialogue which led to her healing “across the veil”.


About the Author

Margaret Grace

Margaret knew as a young child that she wanted to be a missionary to show people how God loves them. She dreamed of going to foreign countries to do this, but her dad convinced her that social work would be a more appropriate pursuit for her. She worked as a social worker in hospitals, family and children’s services, child abuse and foster care, school social work, a substance abuse residential treatment center, a jail and two maximum security prison settings. She stayed at home to raise her two children for several years and studied new thought spirituality after growing up in a Methodist Church. She used her private time to pursue spiritual growth. She continues to work full time in a maximum security prison setting as a mental health coordinator and provider of mental health services.