Mary Jane Jones, born February 21, 1947 during a very important poker game in Stringtown, Arkansas. I was the oldest of eight children born to Hilary and Margaret Jones. Graduated from Jasper High in Jasper, Arkansas. May of 1965. Right out of high school I started college at the Arkansas Tech University in Russellville, Arkansas. After my freshman year I decided this was not going to work out for me and went to work. I started working for Claridge Mfg., in the accounting department for approximately one year. I then decided to take a correspondence course to be a stewardess. I moved to Missouri for my in-flight instruction and it was clear to me, this was not my vocation. I worked in Kansas City, Missouri at Sears, Montgomery Wards and Katz. I met my husband in Kansas City through a friend and we had three children. During the child raising years I ran a licensed home daycare, and that is when I started compiling information for this book. I have had numerous jobs since that time and ended up in the Post Office in Odessa, Missouri, which I retired from.
He Ain't Our Bill No More
by Mary Murry
He Ain't Our Bill No More
by Mary Murry
Published Aug 06, 2015
128 Pages
Genre: FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Friendship
Book Details
A Family’s Experience With Bill Clinton
My story is about my father, Hilary Jones, who believed a handshake and a mans word was binding. The love of politics is how Hilary and Bill Clinton became friends. Hard work and determination is how the Hilary Jones Elk Herd came to Newton County, Arkansas.