David J. DeWitt is a successfully retired Nationwide Insurance Agent, who holds the coveted professional designations: President Conference Qualifier (Nationwide’s Highest Award) Past President of the Connecticut State Association of Life Underwriters Charter Life Underwriter (CLU) Charter Property & Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) Life Underwriter Training Council Fellow (LUTCF) Mr. DeWitt is also a professional Graphologist and a certified Graphoanalyst, who shows how you can get a grasp of the fundamental rules of handwriting analysis and find out about yourself and others. Since his early years in the US Army, he has been lecturing publicly on handwriting analysis to organizations, clubs, schools and colleges. The book you are now reading represents more than eight years of research on the part of the author, including talks on “discovering your vocational potential” by applying handwriting analysis to high school and college students across New England.
Handwriting Analysis
Discover Your Own Vocational/Career Potential
by David J. DeWitt, GA

Handwriting Analysis
Discover Your Own Vocational/Career Potential
by David J. DeWitt, GA
Published Oct 27, 2014
146 Pages
Genre: PSYCHOLOGY / General
Book Details
A Guide To Discover 40 Jobs To Fit Your Personality
David DeWitt is a Certified Graphoanalyst. As such, Mr. DeWitt has spent decades studying, analyzing and interpreting the handwriting of countless individuals. Simply stated, he helps people to understand themselves, their personal strengths and yes, even their weaknesses through the way they put pen to paper. I have witnessed Dave practicing his science. The insightful results that he produces by viewing one’s handwriting are astounding, as well as personally and professionally transformational. His intentions are thoroughly altruistic. So, why should Graphoanalysis be of interest to you? ... In this book, Handwriting Analysis - Discover Your Own Vocational/Career Potential, Mr. DeWitt links handwriting analysis with professional satisfaction and instructs you in the analysis of your own handwriting. It is not uncommon for individuals to labor a lifetime in an occupation that they truly dislike or to which they are, at best, indifferent. Or they might move from job to job multiple times, desperately seeking a ‘career’ that is edifying. Moreover, young people just entering a sparse job market might find that they have little idea of occupations that could be personally and professionally rewarding to them. The ancient Chinese philosopher, Confucius, once stated “Find a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life” ... Through this book, David DeWitt seeks to affirm this timeless advice.
I endorse David DeWitt in his literary efforts and highly recommend this book to you.
—John De Mado, John De Mado Language Seminars, LLC Author/Houghton
Mifflin Harcourt, McGraw-Hill, Pearson