Tasty Jamaican Recipes

Great recipes from the island of Jamaica

by Daphne Edwards

Tasty Jamaican Recipes

Tasty Jamaican Recipes

Great recipes from the island of Jamaica

by Daphne Edwards

Published Jun 04, 2010
45 Pages
Genre: COOKING / Regional & Ethnic / Caribbean & West Indian


Book Details

Great Recipes from the Island Of Jamaica are tasty, spicey, filling, and pretty simple too.

Great Recipes From The Island Of Jamaica will give you the privelege of cooking with the flavor and taste that everyone who visit Jamaica yearned for. For some Jamaicans who travel home occasionally one thing is certainly on their mind and that is the food, then the beaches and the tropical climate to enjoy. For young Jamaicans and others who have an interest in island cooking will find this book very resouceful. Please enjoy.


About the Author

Daphne Edwards

Born in Jamaica, Daphne Williams-Edwards has a passion for cooking and entertaining. She started cooking at an early age of twelve years old. Often seen in the kitchen with her grandmother especially on Sunday mornings before leaving for church. She currently lives in Florida with her two children Danielle and Jon-Michael, she enjoys cooking and inviting friends and family over for some good Jamaica meal. From the minute you step in her house she starts cooking - no one leaves without a DISH. I would like to dedicate this book to my grand-mother who taught me well how to share regardless how small it is. May her soul rest in peace. Nana, You are the best!! Love you always.