Gracie's Journey Out Of Darkness

A True Adoption Story of Separation,Taken Identity, Fear, Pain, & Sibling Reuniting !!!!

by Nedra Maurine White

Gracie's Journey Out Of Darkness

Gracie's Journey Out Of Darkness

A True Adoption Story of Separation,Taken Identity, Fear, Pain, & Sibling Reuniting !!!!

by Nedra Maurine White

Published May 20, 2010
140 Pages
Genre: FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Family Relationships


Book Details

The journey of one little girl through the hell around her and the demons within.

Gracies Journey Out Of Darkness is a testimony of one womens journey through the circumstances of life, that she had no control of at a young age. As she grew older the decisions she made were sometimes made with no knowledge of the consequences at hand.She was preyed upon over and over with no one to turn to. We all would hope and pray that, if the social services had any idea what kind of adopted home she was being placed in, surely she would not have been placed in that den of hell. Through it all she believed in God. Her journey has been a learning experience of life. The horrible things that happened to her did not make her a bitter person, it made her strong enough to keep on living.The thought of suicide was unbearable, which she over came that demon. Nedra's journey has been long and sometimes heartbreaking. Through it all she made the journey and was led by the "LOVE OF GOD" back to her family.


About the Author

Nedra Maurine White

Gracie’s Journey Out of Darkness is not only a tribute to Nedra’s own children – who didn’t just give her courage, but who literally kept her alive and to her sister Deborah Gates -- it is also a remarkable story of the hope and faith one woman can have in order to finally bring back together her own full family circle.