Dr. William Ruch has a successful chiropractic practice for over 30 years, in Oakland, California.
He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from the University of San Francisco in 1975. He graduated Cum Laude from Life Chiropractic College West in Hayward, California in September of 1986. In the Spring of 1987, he returned to his alma mater as adjunct faculty, where he has been teaching till this day. Dr. Ruch authored numerous scientific articles on spinal and pelvic pathophysiology including cadaver dissection study, radiograph photography which appeared in chiropractic journals. In addition, he has written chapters on the autonomic neuroanatomy of the vertebral subluxation/misalignment complex, and published several cadaver specimens, radiology and photographs in other textbooks.
Through the Life Chiropractic College West, he published the 2nd edition textbook: “Atlas of Common Subluxation of the Human Spine and Pelvis”, which is a part of his curriculum. He also published a textbook on adjusting called “Advanced Adjusting Techniques”, which has the pelvic protocols included in this book. Currently, Dr. Ruch is also conducting seminars for post graduate education and relicensing. Dr. Ruch has made it his mission to teach the chiropractic community the importance of understanding human anatomy, and why it is possible to achieve the patient desired results, without unnecessary procedures, stress, anxiety and pain. Please visit our websites at: WilliamRuchDC.com, ReliefGlove.com or just stop by for the experience of relief.
Where is Your Tibia?
by William Ruch
Where is Your Tibia?
by William Ruch
Published Apr 15, 2020
36 Pages
Genre: SELF-HELP / General
Book Excerpt
I teach anatomy and adjusting technique classes at a chiropractic
college. I've been in private practice for more than 32 years. I'm appalled
by the lack of rational care provided for knee injuries. In my
clinical experience I find that in the majority of patients I encounter
with knee pain as a symptom or complaint, the tibia is not properly
aligned with the femur. This includes people under long term care
with orthopedists, physical therapists, chiropractors, patients who've
had knee replacements, and most of my chiropractic students who
were under care.
Range of motion of the knee is a common evaluation process. With
most of the patients who come to me with knee injuries, the knee
demonstrates a range of motion that is within normal limits. This can
give the impression that there is nothing really wrong with the knee
itself. So many physicians and chiropractors have their patients focus
on muscle strengthening, activity, and stretching. The intervention
becomes exercise and more exercise.
However, exercise on displaced joints only leads to more irritation
and inflammation, muscle guarding and pain. Over time, this leads to
arthritis. Osteoarthritis of the knee is caused by a chronically subluxated
or displaced tibia. Drugs become a lot of people's main intervention.
But there is no pharmacological remedy for the displaced tibia
and unfortunately, there is no exercise that will put the tibia back in
place. However, there are a lot of exercises and stretches that can make
the displacement of the tibia worse. So, I will spend some time talking
about what not to do with your injured knee.
A common problem for a lot of patients is that very few doctors will
palpate (touch to assess) the aff ected joint. Evaluation of knee problems
requires direct palpation of the joints and bones. ‘Knee pain’, is a
diagnostic term for a lot of providers. However, knee pain is a symptom,
not a diagnosis. A ‘diagnosis’ of knee pain usually gets you a
prescription for drugs and exercise. However, the misaligned tibia will
not be put back in place with a pill or exercise. So the question I have
is this - Is this rational care?