Got Gangs?

Practical Guidance for Parents/Teachers on a Mission for Gang Prevention/Intervention

by Richard R. Ramos

Got Gangs?

Got Gangs?

Practical Guidance for Parents/Teachers on a Mission for Gang Prevention/Intervention

by Richard R. Ramos

Published Jul 19, 2006
240 Pages
Genre: SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sociology / General


Book Details

Parents on a Mission is the best prevention strategy against gangs!

Why do kids join gangs?
My first-hand experience throughout many years of working with gang members and at-risk Latino youth and families shows that the root of the problem—as well as the solution—lies within the parent-child relationship. Out of countless hours of counseling and listening to young gang members and their parents talk about their home life, the concept of Parents on a Mission was born. Its purpose is to turn the hearts of parents and children to one another through implementing a strategy of forgiveness and reconciliation. Parents on a Mission is a working solution that addresses problems in a most practical, inexpensive, truthful, and caring way.
This book focuses on
· Why parents are the best prevention strategy against gangs
· Why gang members are not the enemy
· Inside-out vs. outside-in community solutions
· A look at gangs, authority figures, and the economics of poverty
· The Seven Principles to help gang members become productive students
· The role of faith-based engagement in building the character of students on the school campus


Book Excerpt

Excerpt from Got Gangs?

This statement, "It does not take a whole village to raise a child, but only one family and good parenting", I firmly believe represents a hopeful answer to the wide spread violence and the hearts cry of parents, schools and children across our nation. I suggest it is a vision that all can embrace as we struggle for solutions to the issues of youth violence. It is only as we get to the root cause of youth violence that we can stop it and prevent it, and thus it continues to be my contention that this root of violence lies within the family unit and therefore it DOES NOT take a whole village to raise a child, but rather one family and good parenting! If I had all the money I wanted but could only invest it in one solution, it would be a quality program that teaches people how to be a "good" parent by understanding the principles of building healthy human relationships. These principles of good parenting are not secrets and can be found in any number of books, tapes, seminars, local houses of worship, and some television shows, but most importantly they can be witnessed "live and in color" in many neighborhoods, parks and schools on almost any day of the week! This is because our local communities are filled with many great parents who should be the subjects of the local and national news media and T.V. talk shows instead of all the negativity and trivial subjects we are used to hearing about and watching on T.V. The principles practiced by these local hero's include, but are not limited to; servant hood, selflessness, kindness, humility, forgiveness, understanding, positive words, apologizing, saying I love you, showing affection, the art of listening, and modeling morality, the character of work ethics, spouse commitment (If married), relationship discretion in front of the kids (if not married), emotional maturity and over coming hardships to name a few. We don't have to wait to become a parent before we start learning how to be one and any effort we make to prevent violence can start with building better parents and developing young people to become excellent parents, "parents on a mission", inspired to be devoted and dedicated to raising children who will be a blessing and not a menace to society!


About the Author

Richard R. Ramos

Author Richard Ramos has a twenty-seven year history of progressive and effective community leadership, for which he is widely recognized. His most impacting work is in transforming the lives of gang members. In this current role, he brings the depth of his experiences with innovative and promising solutions to communities throughout the United States.

Also by Richard R. Ramos

Parents on a Mission


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