Nancy Nelson-Ewing aka Nan-Lynn Nelson N.N. Ewing aka Nan-Lynn Nelson has been a writer/actor for over thirty-five years in New York City. As an actress, Nan-Lynn, debuted on Broadway in 1979 creating the role of Nikki Kay Kane RUNAWAYS. She was also featured in OPEN ADMISSIONS on Broadway, as well as the replacement for Angela Bassette in August Wilson’s JOE TURNER’S COME AND GONE. Nan-Lynn has been a principle performer in many television commercials, industrials films, live events, as well as nighttime and daytime episodic television, including VIKKI on the critically acclaimed PBS children’s program THE BLOODHOUND GANG, NBC’s HOT HERO SANDWICH, Vivienne Roxbury-Barnes on ALL MY CHILDREN, and several features on LAW AND ORDER, THE COSBY SHOW. As a playwright, Nan-Lynn Nelson (aka N.N.Ewing) has been a finalist in the prestigious Susan Smith Blackburn international women’s playwriting contest in London for her play: LEAVING WATERMAINE. Ms N.N. Ewing won an artist-in-residence position at the Tribeca Performing Arts Center where she developed another noted play entitled: ENEMY OF THE B.R.E.A.D. Other titles include: THE UNFAMILIAR, A SWANKA’S REVOLUTION, A TOWN CALLED WITNESS, SEE ME, A TIME FOR NOBILITY (MUSICAL), GLORY!, THE REMEMBERING, BALIWICK Ms. Nelson Ewing has been given Honorable Mention for her play, A TOWN CALLED WITNESS, in the New Works of Merit playwriting contest. She is very proud of her recently published career guide for Millennials: HOW TO GET PAID: Interviewing With Style! Available on Amazon and KINDLE. She is also the author of JOURNEY TO VIRTUE PLANET: An Inter-Active storybook on character education. THE GIRL WITH THE GIGGLING HAIR is one of her proudest accomplishments as its message is unifying and celebratory of the uniqueness of us all. In addition, she has created and implemented many successful Arts in Education and Character Education programs, for youth! Drama Teacher. Works of Art including jewelry, three dimensional art, wearable art and crafts. She is a founding member of the Race Unity Circle located in the Hudson Valley of NY, which seeks to educate and engage in meaning conversations that transform into successful action toward the healing process of racism in America. She is a member of the Baha’i Faith, which has as its foundation the unity and oneness of humanity. She also holds BS Degree in English/Theatre; a Certificate of Completion in Drama Therapy from Omega Transpersonal Theatre of Drama Therapy.
The Girl With The Giggling Hair
And Friends
by Nancy Nelson-Ewing

The Girl With The Giggling Hair
And Friends
by Nancy Nelson-Ewing
Published Jul 20, 2019
25 Pages
Genre: JUVENILE FICTION / Fantasy & Magic
Book Details
Nancy Nelson-Ewing aka Nan-Lynn Nelson
Ms. Nelson-Ewing first began this story of The Girl With The Giggling Hair, when her oldest daughter, Aubrey, was an only child 30 years ago. We’ve since added, Jordan and Larken to the story. It has had many iterations since its inception that has led to this delightful rhyming romp. It is about us all having innate unique gifts while simultaneously being connected and celebrating our specialness together. This is part of a series of stories that show “Aubrey” and all the special friends in her neighborhood who live, play and work together in love and appreciation of each other.