Book Details

How can one tortoise save the world?

Lonesome George, the last Pinta Island tortoise on earth, hates a lot of things; people, goats, even his own existence. After forty years alone at the Charles Darwin Research Station, he longs for his extinction to finally come. But when his time arrives, it’s not at all what he expects. George is awakened one night in a garden to find himself being asked by nine already extinct animals to lead them on a mission to save mankind. How can one tortoise save the world? Why is he the only one who can lead these animals? What happens if they don’t succeed? Despite George’s best efforts, one creature is captured, one succumbs to fear, and one creature meets a tragic end. If the dodo and the others fail, they simply return to the splendor of the Garden. For George, his place in the Garden is not assured, which leaves him facing the possibility of being “deader than a dodo”.


Book Excerpt


About the Author

Gene Huston

Gene grew up in rural Pennsylvania helping on his grandparents’ farm where his gram taught him to love animals, especially birds. This sparked a love of nature in him. He was always fascinated by extinct animals, even naming his dog Auky, after the extinct great auk. He went to college to pursue a biology degree, but decided he could have a greater influence by teaching elementary school. He has been teaching in Maryland ever since. He continues to share his passion with his students as well as his wife and three kids. He hopes that this book does the same thing for each and every reader.