Book Details

Topics in Game Theory is based on a set of course notes used by the author in his Game Theory course at Miami University.
Game theory uses mathematical models to analyze situations involving conflict or cooperation between decision makers. It can be applied to problems in military strategy, business, political science, economics and other social sciences.
The course was very popular. Student demand frequently exceeded available space.


Book Excerpt

Example 4: Three colleagues, Ann, Bob, and Cris are returning from Thanksgiving vacation in Cancun. Following arrival by plane in Cincinnati on Sunday evening, they have approximately a one hour land trip to their homes via taxi. Ann lives in Oxford, Ohio; Bob lives in Camden ( 10 minutes north of Oxford ); Cris lives in Eaton ( 20 minutes north of Oxford ). For Ann, Bob and Cris, the taxi charges would be $54, $66 and $78 per taxi respectively. However taxicabs and taxi fares may be shared. We can describe this as a game, v, by letting v(S) be the negative of the cost to the coalition S if only the members of S share a taxi. Thus, if we let N = A,B,C}, we will get
v(A,B,C) = -78, v(A,B) = -66, v(A,C) = -78, v(B,C) = -78 , v(A) = -54 , v(B) = -66 , v(C) =-78.


About the Author

Edward M Bolger

Edward M. Bolger received his B. S. degree from St. Peter’s College and his M.A. & Ph. D. degrees from Penn State University. After teaching for three years at Bucknell University, he accepted a position at Miami University. He attained the rank of Professor of Mathematics and Statistics in 1976.



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