W. Timothy Bailey, FLMI is Founder and Chief Executive Officer of JeFirst Financial Services. He is a licensed professional with over 25 years of training and expertise in the Financial Industry including Insurance, Personal Finance, Investments, Mortgages, Customer Service, Claims, Underwriting and Sales. Additionally, he is a graduate of the Crown Financial Ministries Stewardship Course and Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bailey Christian Education Fund. He’s faced the challenges of working in corporate America, the uniqueness of serving full-time in a faith-based organization and the uncertainties that accompany entrepreneurship. He has learned from periods of gainful employment, unemployment, under-employment, single income and no income. As a result, Bailey offers unique and practical insight derived from academic instruction, professional training as well as personal experience. Visit www.wtimothybailey.com
Foundations For Financial Fitness
by W. Timothy Bailey, FLMI

Foundations For Financial Fitness
by W. Timothy Bailey, FLMI
Published Aug 31, 2011
110 Pages
Genre: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Personal Finance / Money Management
Book Details
Do you want to be financially fit, firm and fortified? Here's the answer you've been looking for. If you're just beginning your financial journey or striving to strengthen your financial foundation, this book is for you. Whether poor, privileged or anywhere in between, this book will walk you through the steps to build that firm FOUNDATION FOR FINANCIAL FITNESS you want. Added Bonus - includes 95 Ways to Put Money In Your Pocket