Fitting In And Forgiven

by Mary Ann Young


Book Details

There is Not Another Book Like This on the Market

Mary Ann captivates her readers through authentic vulnerability. Her inspiration comes from her understanding that what happens in a young girl’s life now is life lasting in her heart. Youthful hearts will find a source of comfort, guidance, and relief as they read her struggles with friends, boys, popularity, fear, and her problems with food. This book is captivating, honest, encouraging, and most of all God-centered. The ending will draw moms and daughters even closer as Mary Ann shares her own Bambi story. A recommended must for every preteen and teenage girl, and every mom raising daughters.


About the Author

Mary Ann Young

Mary Ann Young is a licensed minister at Sandals Church in Riverside, CA. She has taught and written Bible studies at two different schools to girls ranging from nine to thirteen years of age. Throughout the years she has personally mentored hundreds of girls of all ages. Currently, she and her husband Tim are the Network Leaders of pre-marriage ministry at their church. Mary Ann is a wife, mother, and recent grandmother and lives in Riverside, CA.