Advice to Motivate and Inspire all College Students to Become More Than They Ever Thought They Could be During their Academic Years and Beyond

by Michael J. Cawley



Advice to Motivate and Inspire all College Students to Become More Than They Ever Thought They Could be During their Academic Years and Beyond

by Michael J. Cawley

Published Nov 07, 2019
138 Pages
Genre: SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Success


Book Details

Have you ever wondered why some people are more successful than others? Why is it that some people know what to do and how to do it, and seem to go much further in their personal and professional lives? You may wonder how do they do it. Are they just luckier than others or are they just in the right place at the right time? Successful people in all walks of life are not luckier than others or ended up at the right place or time, they focus on key proven strategies to unlock their true potential. As a college professor and personal development coach for more than 20 years, Dr. Cawley has experienced first hand the strategies that are needed to propel your professional and personal life in the direction to create a wonderful life. In Failure=Success, Dr. Cawley provides us proven strategies that will help an aspiring college student to unlock their true potential during their college years and future personal and professional life. He provides personal stories, motivational quotes and lessons taught by the most world-renowned experts in personal development. By adapting and maximizing this information on a daily basis, you can begin to develop the skills to excel in all aspects of your life to help develop your true greatness. Chapters discuss common themes including how to be successful in college, personal development strategies to maximize your true potential and additional themes of how to prepare for your future. Each chapter discusses techniques that have been taught by leading experts and have proven successful including many examples introduced throughout the book. Dr. Cawley also provides a list of his personal recommendations of books and audio programs from the best personal development experts in the world. He recommends that the owner of this book begin to develop a personal success library. To read or listen to something on personal development daily to help you “step on the accelerator of your life”. Make the most of Dr. Cawley’s information contained in this book. If you truly dedicate your time in college in beginning to apply these skills and continue to incorporate them into your daily life, I have no doubt you will produce extraordinary results. Live the life you always imagined!

“Life is like a combination lock; your job is to find the right numbers, in the right order, so you can have everything you want.” —Brian Tracy


Book Excerpt

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About the Author

Michael J. Cawley

Dr. Michael J. Cawley experience has included over 20 years as a college professor, pharmacist, professional speaker, author, blogger, drug expert and pharmaceutical industry consultant and advisor. As a professor he was honored for many teaching awards and was always revered by his students regarding his ability to incorporate personal development strategies, motivational speaking, and stories regarding his personal life or life experiences into his teaching. He has approximately 100 published scholarly works including manuscripts, book chapters and books focused within the medical profession and has been invited more than 230 times to speak at professional meetings both nationally and internationally. However, due to his interest and passion in personal development, this book is a compilation of personal stories, motivational and inspirational quotes and lessons learned from some of the leading experts in the personal development field.