Facts of Life

Ten Issues of Contentment

by Michael C. Graham


Book Details

Anyone can be happy. It only requires the courage to do the work.

Facts of Life presents the unvarnished and sometimes inconvenient truth that everyone can achieve happiness, regardless of their surroundings or circumstances. No gimmicks. No big secret. With gentle humor and pragmatism, this book offers achievable and applicable methods of discovering contentment borne of Graham’s life experience and decades of helping clients. “This book is for anyone who wants to feel better, anyone seeking happiness. Its purpose is simply to acquaint everyone who does not already know with the concept that in all circumstances and situations, and for every human being, happiness is always possible.” Without pretense Mr. Graham reviews the known, proven methods of achieving contentment in our lives.


About the Author

Michael C. Graham

Michael Graham holds a master’s degree in counseling and is a licensed psychotherapist with a private practice in Phoenix, Arizona. With more than 40 years experience in helping others, Mr. Graham provides clients with a realistic and insightful approach to developing a lifestyle of contentment. Michael lives and works with his wife and coauthor Sandy, and their four dogs, three cats, and a mouse (the mouse just lives and does not do a lot of actual work). Michael’s passion is teaching people through personal connection that they deserve and can achieve a life of contentment. Visit his website to learn more about Mr. Graham and his practice.