Enhanced Life Performance

Achieving the Best Version of Self

by Donald Monistere

Enhanced Life Performance

Enhanced Life Performance

Achieving the Best Version of Self

by Donald Monistere

Published May 26, 2017
224 Pages
Genre: SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / General


Book Details

This changed my life!

So many people spend their lives trying to find the answer to what we really are doing here. Why are we put on this earth and what are we supposed to accomplish? So many of us have the trappings of success, but little fulfillment in the life that we lead. We wander aimlessly with no real answer to “Why?” Enhanced Life Performance helps us find that answer and along the way helps you to create the best version of you! Gaining a clear unobstructed view of what you were meant to do and truly why you were meant to do it is the first step in an incredible journey! A journey that will ultimately lead to leaving a lasting legacy that others can follow and be proud of.


About the Author

Donald Monistere

Don Monistere has what most would consider a very diverse background. He has spent many hours mastering the skills as a martial arts instructor, baseball coach, life coach, mentor, nutritionist and competitive bodybuilder, all while amassing 30 years of experience in various Information Technology business endeavors. Monistere said recently “I gravitated to Information Technology because it is very similar to how I have approached sports, martial arts, and many other endeavors that require discipline, focus and the ability to execute at a very high level. The common thread between them all is the fact that what you put in, always impacts what the outcome will be. Computers can only process our input and ironically our spirit, mind and body are exactly the same way.

Also by Donald Monistere

Enhanced Executive Performance
Enhanced Corporate Performance