Sven R. Larson, Ph.D., is a research fellow and economist with Wyoming Liberty Group. He has written two books and numerous research papers and articles about fiscal policy, limited government, the welfare state and economic freedom. He is a regular guest on radio talk shows and has made several appearances on TV. He is originally from Sweden.
Ending the Welfare State
A Path to Limited Government that Won't Leave the Poor Behind
by Sven R. Larson

Ending the Welfare State
A Path to Limited Government that Won't Leave the Poor Behind
by Sven R. Larson
Published Apr 11, 2012
161 Pages
Genre: POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / Economic Policy
Book Details
A Five-step Plan To Get America Out of Its Debt Crisis
America is facing its worst fiscal crisis in decades. If we keep doing nothing, we will soon be hurled into the dungeons of European austerity. That will hurt everyone, especially the poor. In his new book, Sven R. Larson presents a five-step plan that will take us away from the looming debt disaster and put us back on a path to prosperity.