Dr. Laplume was born on November 5th, 1954 in Montevideo, Uruguay, where he completed his Primary and Secondary school studies. The military dictatorship obliged him to emigrate to La Plata, Argentina, in 1974 to complete his Medical School studies. After graduating as a physician in 1981, he emigrated to the USA where he did an Internship and Neurology residency before settling down in Miami. He attended Columbia University in New York City where he obtained a Master and Doctoral degrees in Health Policy and Management in 1997 and 2008 respectively; he has been working as a Medical Consultant in South Florida up to now. His lifelong agitation and desire to transcend into the mystical realm moved him to start a medical and literary web page at https://drmolaplume.com Whose main tagline is: Physician - Writer - Planter of Dreams
Emotional Frustration
The Hushed Plague
by Dr. Mario O. Laplume
Emotional Frustration
The Hushed Plague
by Dr. Mario O. Laplume
Published Aug 16, 2021
345 Pages
Genre: PSYCHOLOGY / Interpersonal Relations
Book Details
Confident you’ve arrived, woman? How naïve… The tough journey for Gender Equity has just started. Totally terrified by the plague that is ravaging our known world outside We ignore another one that has silently sickened women from the inside If you just want entertainment, you could not have chosen a worse book If you are looking for a page-turner to wash your brain, this will soak it Fuggedaboutit
However, if you happen to feel a little adventurous today and dare to venture into this seemingly innocent space that masks its mission of agent provocateur for issues that, not only affect women, but the whole society as well, be ready for a rough ride. We will first discuss the basic physiological and psychological peculiarities of the feminine gender and then we will take advantage of our forty years-experience as a practicing physician and consultant to discuss their Emotional Frustration in the sexual, family, social, labor and financial dimensions, to finally discuss the worst dilemmas our stoically suffering women tackle… Don’t be afraid. Grab our hand. The Digital revolution quickly changed our parameters of social interaction. Still enforcing the submission and sidelining of women in the socio-economic realm, the Patriarchal institutions have expunged the emotionality out of the public sphere. As the COVID-19 pandemic is dislocating how we work, study, connect and love, we must foster dialogue between the genders to fast prepare for a weird aftermath. As Pope Francis said: “only by pulling together, will we all have a future.”