Do You Love to Be Needed, or Need to Be Loved?

by Shari Schreiber


Book Details

Shari Schreiber learned to help others heal, by surmounting her own residual childhood pain. Tenacious in her pursuit of emotional wholeness and wellness as a young woman, she invented several 'power tools' to help her grow beyond surviving, to thriving. She shares these life-altering methods with her clients, so they can learn precisely how to heal themselves. Returning to academia at forty-one, Shari earned both a BA and MA in psychology, but that experience failed to enhance her innate capacity to assist others. Ms. Schreiber has not worked as a state-licensed professional, as in her view, “psychotherapy” doesn't mitigate core trauma, which is central to ALL emotional suffering. Her approach to eliminating human pain is unique, unconventional and powerfully effective in contrast to other forms of intervention, even within the realm of addiction recovery. She hopes to publish many more books that provide greater clarity, inner-peace, contentment and joy.