Let There Be Light

Saving Ourselves and Our Planet Through a Global Social Compact

by Doug Irmen


Book Details

It’s Time We Do This NOW!

The potentially catastrophic problems we face in the world today are the result of a massive spiritual failure. Too many of us appear to have forgotten the real purpose we were born for in the first place, which at its most basic level is to love and nurture ourselves and the earth.

But we’re not really loving and nurturing when we cause the environment to decline and the climate to become inhospitable, when we keep wasting money and resources by amassing petrifying weapons to fight horrific wars, when we fail to take care of the weak, and when we demonize each other with so much vitriol that nothing effective seems to get done. We are out of control as a species.

Let There Be Light: Saving Ourselves and Our Planet Through a Global Social Compact proposes that we “tame the savageness of man” by using the internet to adopt a universal Social Compact—a grass-roots spiritual and political movement that would operate as a Light Network to connect like-minded people around the world in an urgent crusade to reverse the course their governments and societies have put them on. Our Social Compact will funnel the core goodness we all have within us into a metaphorical ball of Light that beams out the conscience of mankind. A conscience that says NO MORE to our current failure to get along and cooperate. A conscience that will overwhelm our governments and societies with the message that NOW IS THE TIME for us to truly achieve the universal desire of mankind, which is first of all to survive, and then to come together to love and respect all life on earth.

The Light Network website www.lightnetwork.me is now under construction. Although the Light Network will not be a formal legal entity, its work will nonetheless be continuously felt throughout the world. It will be a relentless force that tracks the issues that threaten our world and then shines its spiritual message onto the efforts that will be essential if we are to take back control of our destiny.


About the Author

Doug Irmen

Over a forty year career as an attorney and counselor at law, Doug Irmen came to understand that successful resolution of interpersonal and social conflict was more often a function of the mindset and integrity of the people involved than it was of legal processes and technicalities. His practice ultimately grew into a broader practice of facilitation—one that encouraged cooperation, respect, and conciliation. Doug now seeks to apply a similar practice of facilitation to the larger world in furtherance of what he believes to be his most profound life mission: finding practical ways to bring people together in peace during our lives on earth. Doug has two daughters—Anne and Sara, and three grandsons—Henry, Buzz, and George. He and his partner Kathleen split their time between Chicago, Illinois and San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Doug can be reached at dougirmen@yahoo.com.