Does Your Crazy Match My Crazy?

Knowing the Truth About Who You Are and Who You’re Dealing With

by Lady Kimberly

Does Your Crazy Match My Crazy?

Does Your Crazy Match My Crazy?

Knowing the Truth About Who You Are and Who You’re Dealing With

by Lady Kimberly

Published Oct 31, 2014
99 Pages
Genre: FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Love & Romance


Book Details

“Talking” to someone? Hmm…better ask them, “What’s your crazy?”

In our society today we need wisdom to be passed on, so that people begin to open their eyes to the real meaning of life, love and happiness. In this thought provoking and compelling book, you will learn from other people’s life experiences and views of life. The way Lady Kimberly shares her stories and wisdom—comes across with a certain experience that cannot be put into words. Written in a conversational, straightforward and lighthearted style, Does Your Crazy Match My Crazy? goes deep into issues you may have never told another soul, with encouraging and sometimes humorous real life stories to remind you that you’re not alone. She has done a significant amount of planning and preparation in crafting this work; as well as considering her audience in the writing by adding details and adding a voice that is simply wonderful – very familiar and easy to follow. She has crafted an excellent piece; one that should be well received. Because it really seems like she lives and breathes what she writes about. Also, you will love the interactive nature of this book. Lady Kimberly has interjected questions at the end of each chapter. This book will let you process and make sense of the material right when it is fresh in your mind. Does Your Crazy Match My Crazy? is a fascinating take on this subject. Does Your Crazy Match My Crazy? can help you evaluate your current love interest and decide whether to continue the relationship or not. With this book, you’ll also: Identify your true needs and desires Discover the real reasons you get into relationships Be able to identify predators before you become the prey


Book Excerpt

Sometimes when we enter a relationship, we are so amped up about being in the relationship that we overlook the other person's crazy. When one or both of you finally see each other's crazy you then need to ask the question "Can I handle this person's crazy or not?"


About the Author

Lady Kimberly

About the Author: Lady Kimberly works as an advocate against domestic violence and sexual assault, and over the years she has provided crisis intervention and support services in a caring, trustful manner for those beginning the process of change. With her knowledge, she has developed a way to encourage individuals to regain their life and their voice. Lady Kimberly also coordinates a non-profit coalition which helps the elderly, disabled, and impoverished.