Book Details

Messalina considered herself just another woman searching for personal happiness and fulfillment. What Messalina did not expect was the bitter survival situations life would throw at her in her quest. Before Messalina could process her own motives, she found herself imprisoned and branded a murderer. Life became brutal as she fought through prison riots, betrayal and near death negotiations with the prison rats. Messalina survived her prison term only to find herself alone and still wondering where her personal happiness was hiding. She vowed to take charge of her life and become that elusive, contented, and fulfilled woman that she knew was just around the next corner. But as she navigated those corners, and began to touch the skirts of the self-fulfillment, revenge and destruction stepped right in her path. Ditch Dreams is filled with real life experiences and self-discovery as Messalina breaks free and embraces her journey. Through this journey she learns to accept the present and appreciate her own self-worth.


About the Author

Cindy Butler

Cindy grew up on a farm in the Midwest. During the summers books were the central draw of entertainment for the long summer days. Once all the books were read several times, Cindy would let her imagination go and make up her own stories. She would grab a bit of trivia from her young memories, and then create a fantasy world of ‘what ifs’. At the age of ten, Cindy decided that she wanted to be a writer. As she grew up and raised her family, Cindy dabbled in the writing world, but couldn’t find the solitude or devotion she felt was needed to focus on her writing. As Cindy became more and more dissatisfied with her successful life, she finally realized that she had to write. Writing was her passion, and writing was to be her life. She learned to steal a few minutes a day to allow herself to be whisked away into a world that knew no bounds, and that allowed her to see and create worlds where life’s passions always won over hardship. Cindy now writes for the sheer joy of seeing the words form on the paper. And the knowing that she has something to say that people want to hear. Cindy Butler divides her time with her animals, her extended family, her writing, and discovering and enjoying the natural beauty of New England.

Also by Cindy Butler

Unfamiliar Innocence