The Dinosaur Who Could Not Roar

The tale of a speech delayed t-rex

by Stephanie Kneisler


Book Details

The tale of a speech delayed t-rex who found out that love is a universal language.

Max is a speech delayed t-rex who was born without a roar; a birth given trademark of every dinosaur!

As Max struggles to express himself in a world that just can't understand him, his loving mama tries everything to help her sweet, gentle giant communicate. Try after unsuccessful try, Max decides to run away from his problems by running away, but soon realizes that he misses his home and it’s time for him to embrace his delay.

As he frantically races through the hot, jungle sun to get back to his family cave, he…. GASP!... suddenly finds his roar! But although he's finally able to communicate, once reunited with his friends and family, he learns that it never mattered if he could roar or not; he was loved and special, no matter how different he was.


About the Author

Stephanie Kneisler

Stephanie is a corporate communicator by trade and creative storyteller by passion. A mom of two young boys, her dinosaur-loving eldest had a severe speech delay. Their bedtime story ritual played a large role in helping her son find his voice, which inspired her to celebrate their journey through this book.